Welcome to my "About" page.
My spiritual journey began in the Buddhist temples of Korea where I went with my mother to light incense, to pray and chant with the robed monks. I was also raised in the traditions of Catholicism. In the unquestioning way of a child, these disparate practices blended to form the foundation of my spiritual beliefs.
Over the years, I continued to study the nature of spirit and metaphysics through modalities such as trans-personal psychology, hypnosis, meditation, clairvoyance training, reiki, distant healing and trance mediumship. Now, I continue to study the inner landscape through a body-based and heart-centered practice.
Through my studies of metaphysics and medicine, I became interested in the relationship between our spiritual essence and our physical bodies, particularly how we manifest health and wellness.
For years, I had focused completely on the energies of the spiritual body, believing that this alone would be enough to eliminate pain, sickness or disease. I had an acquaintance who had been told by her doctor that she was a Type 2 Diabetic. She ignored this diagnosis and chose to meditate her way back to health. We lost touch until several years later when I saw her on a city bus. She was blind (a common side effect of uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes) and walking with a white cane.
I knew her to be a powerful and capable psychic and healer. What happened? As I meditated on this question, I realized how our bodies are of the earth and need tending, like gardens. Prayer and meditation are essential to our souls. Loving and consistent care is essential to our physical bodies. To thrive and grow, we must cultivate our spiritual nature and tend to our physical health.
I saw that the relationship between the body and spirit is like the yin and yang, each flows into the other to make a whole being.
Eventually, I found myself wanting to know more about how bodies work and heal. I went to the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. With my naturopathic medical training, I learned to recognize the emotional and energetic basis for health and illness. I began to understand the relationship of my patients' health challenges and their life paths.
My spiritual journey began in the Buddhist temples of Korea where I went with my mother to light incense, to pray and chant with the robed monks. I was also raised in the traditions of Catholicism. In the unquestioning way of a child, these disparate practices blended to form the foundation of my spiritual beliefs.
Over the years, I continued to study the nature of spirit and metaphysics through modalities such as trans-personal psychology, hypnosis, meditation, clairvoyance training, reiki, distant healing and trance mediumship. Now, I continue to study the inner landscape through a body-based and heart-centered practice.
Through my studies of metaphysics and medicine, I became interested in the relationship between our spiritual essence and our physical bodies, particularly how we manifest health and wellness.
For years, I had focused completely on the energies of the spiritual body, believing that this alone would be enough to eliminate pain, sickness or disease. I had an acquaintance who had been told by her doctor that she was a Type 2 Diabetic. She ignored this diagnosis and chose to meditate her way back to health. We lost touch until several years later when I saw her on a city bus. She was blind (a common side effect of uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes) and walking with a white cane.
I knew her to be a powerful and capable psychic and healer. What happened? As I meditated on this question, I realized how our bodies are of the earth and need tending, like gardens. Prayer and meditation are essential to our souls. Loving and consistent care is essential to our physical bodies. To thrive and grow, we must cultivate our spiritual nature and tend to our physical health.
I saw that the relationship between the body and spirit is like the yin and yang, each flows into the other to make a whole being.
Eventually, I found myself wanting to know more about how bodies work and heal. I went to the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. With my naturopathic medical training, I learned to recognize the emotional and energetic basis for health and illness. I began to understand the relationship of my patients' health challenges and their life paths.
- BS Business
- MA Adult Education
- Doctorate Naturopathic Medicine
- American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
- California Association of Naturopathic Doctors
I have been an intuitive teacher, reader and healer for over 30 years. It's been my ultimate calling to work with others in finding clarity and health on their life's journey.
Before any formal training,
I had an experience that foreshadowed my work later in life. I was in my early 20's and working as a receptionist in a tax accounting office. A woman in her mid-40s came in and stood out because of her unhappy and irritated demeanor. It was a very quiet day, I didn't have many customers to tend to. At one point, it was just the two of us sitting in the small reception area. I started to ask her some questions in the way a bubbly 23 year old can get away with. I learned that she was very concerned since this was her first year of filing as a divorced woman. Her husband of many years had just left her to marry his 20-something secretary.
She told me that she had put off her own education so that he could finish his professional degree. She had put off having children because he was never ready--only to learn that he and his new wife were planning a family. She felt it was now too late for her. I asked her what her life would be like if she could magically change things. First she looked at me like I was a naive and silly thing. But eventually she said she would live in Hawaii, she loved the ocean and the trade winds.
I asked her what was holding her back from doing what she wanted. She said she'd had a long career and after 15 years, had achieved a high position that people just don't walk away from. I asked "Why not? Sounds like you hate it anyway." She explained how she got the house in the divorce and had worked very hard to acquire it. I said "yes, but it sounds like you're always working, rarely there, and it's just a house full of sad memories." She went on to say, "My mother lives here and I feel responsible for her." So I said, "Would she really want you to stay in a job you hate, in house full of sadness, and in a place that makes you miserable? Wouldn't she rather come visit you in Hawaii and see you in a new life?" She said, "You don't understand, you're too young to know what I have invested... I can't just throw it away." She shook her head and went in to see the accountant.
About a month later, I came into work and saw her sitting in the waiting room with her mother. She looked so completely different that I didn't recognize her at first. She looked younger, relaxed and was smiling at me. She told me she had just sold her house, quit her job and was moving to Honolulu in two weeks. I felt a tremendous sense of joy when I heard this news. Even though I never heard what happened in her future, I always felt she created a life more authentic and rich than the one she left.
Before any formal training,
I had an experience that foreshadowed my work later in life. I was in my early 20's and working as a receptionist in a tax accounting office. A woman in her mid-40s came in and stood out because of her unhappy and irritated demeanor. It was a very quiet day, I didn't have many customers to tend to. At one point, it was just the two of us sitting in the small reception area. I started to ask her some questions in the way a bubbly 23 year old can get away with. I learned that she was very concerned since this was her first year of filing as a divorced woman. Her husband of many years had just left her to marry his 20-something secretary.
She told me that she had put off her own education so that he could finish his professional degree. She had put off having children because he was never ready--only to learn that he and his new wife were planning a family. She felt it was now too late for her. I asked her what her life would be like if she could magically change things. First she looked at me like I was a naive and silly thing. But eventually she said she would live in Hawaii, she loved the ocean and the trade winds.
I asked her what was holding her back from doing what she wanted. She said she'd had a long career and after 15 years, had achieved a high position that people just don't walk away from. I asked "Why not? Sounds like you hate it anyway." She explained how she got the house in the divorce and had worked very hard to acquire it. I said "yes, but it sounds like you're always working, rarely there, and it's just a house full of sad memories." She went on to say, "My mother lives here and I feel responsible for her." So I said, "Would she really want you to stay in a job you hate, in house full of sadness, and in a place that makes you miserable? Wouldn't she rather come visit you in Hawaii and see you in a new life?" She said, "You don't understand, you're too young to know what I have invested... I can't just throw it away." She shook her head and went in to see the accountant.
About a month later, I came into work and saw her sitting in the waiting room with her mother. She looked so completely different that I didn't recognize her at first. She looked younger, relaxed and was smiling at me. She told me she had just sold her house, quit her job and was moving to Honolulu in two weeks. I felt a tremendous sense of joy when I heard this news. Even though I never heard what happened in her future, I always felt she created a life more authentic and rich than the one she left.
How is your health a reflection of your spiritual journey?
What is your life purpose, what lessons are you learning?
What is your life purpose, what lessons are you learning?
Personal Journey Towards Wholeness

I want to share how reconnecting with my intuition changed my life for the better. As a child, I had a very intimate relationship with the Divine. I recall standing under a large tree when I was about 5 or 6 years old. One by one, children would come to meet me under this tree and words of comfort and wisdom would pour through me—I have no memory of what I said, only that each child would have a healing and walk away with more resiliency to continue their journey.
As I got a little older, I lost touch with my intuition. I remember feeling deeply frustrated as an energy wall seemed to be forming between me and the Divine light. This wall appeared in my consciousness around the time I was in first grade. It was a thick stone wall that I could, at first, climb over and see the light… until one day, I couldn’t. The stone wall had gotten too massive and no matter what I did, I couldn’t access the light beyond the structure. I began to feel fearful and small.
With hindsight, I understand the wall represented mostly cultural conditioning. My education from school and church was not oriented towards intuition, quite the opposite. My natural ways of being were suppressed and compressed into what was expected of me, what was deemed good and proper, and concrete. My parents and society wanted me to get awards for good conduct and high grades. I began the spiral of losing contact with myself for outer acknowledgement and validation. The outside mattered more than what was inside me—and I forgot how to speak with Spirit.
In my mid-20’s, I was unable to hold a job for long, nor have a relationship that lasted more than 3 months. I was often in financial survival—I moved 6 times in 5 years before I was 30yrs old. I was miserable and didn’t know how to create a meaningful life. I was in a morass of negative energy and had no idea of where I was going or even what harm I was doing to myself and others. I just fell into one situation or another, flailing and struggling to stay afloat.
Through the gift of random events, opportunities to wake up were presenting themselves. While working in Nevada, I met a mystic who helped me understand the path of self-destruction I was on. She told me I had lost my connection to spiritual guidance. Her words scared me because I saw how far off my path I had gotten. Just days after that reading, my mother called me out of the blue and announced she was coming to get me. Thirty days later, I was living at home with my whole family. In the regularity of a secure home life, I began to heal and started having “lesson” dreams. These dreams opened my perception of reality and I started reading metaphysical books again.
A year later, after settling down in San Francisco, I got my second reading—I was again told I was not listening to my inner guidance. Then a work friend invited me to a couple of lectures from a psychic teacher and author, Betty Bethards. I was getting regular bodywork from Anodea Judith, who, at that time, was supporting herself doing massage while she wrote her book, Wheels of Life. Other events and people showed up with messages and teachings in subtle ways. All these gifted people nudged me gently towards my spiritual path.
More than one suggested I might be interested in intuitive development. One day, another friend mentioned she had visited a psychic school and gotten a clairvoyant reading. I was intrigued and signed up for a reading too. It was a great experience and I wanted more. Everything inside me said YES and I enrolled in their training program. What I didn’t realize was that this was just the first step in a long and deepening path that continues to this day.
Looking back, I see now that my intuition was like having a tiger in my backyard—untamed and biting me until I got some training on how to harness it. As one of my teachers, David Elliott, often says, “It uses you until you learn to use it.”
Within a year of just beginning to learn some intuitive skills, I started my own business. My income doubled in the first year, then doubled again the 2nd and 3rd. Over these years, I found a life-partner, got married, and went on to get an MA in Adult Education. I bought a home and had a successful career as an Instructional Designer for corporate training. All the while, I was relearning my ability to communicate with spirit. Eventually, I became a teacher at the psychic school. I continued to study and learn, always longing for more.
To name a few, I learned Theta Healing with Vianna Stibel, studied Transformative Psychology at John F. Kennedy University (no degree), learned Hands-on-Healing at Aesclepion Healing Center and now study with the Ridhwan School of Spiritual Development (Diamond Approach) in Berkeley, California. I also learned how to channel spirits (trans-medium training), how to welcome new beings into the physical world (spiritual doula), and how to know myself as a complex energy system embodied in this physical world.
In my late 40’s, I went through a major course correction and changed careers entirely. I was restless and unfulfilled, despite all my metaphysical studies. In my search for work that had more meaning, I found naturopathic medicine. I enrolled at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and earned my doctorate. I currently hold a Naturopathic Doctor medical license in California. Four-plus years of medical school and the life changes that precipitated this new journey eventually brought a completely transformed life.
As an Elder, I understand that this form I call “me” is constantly in flow, in motion, and ever-changing. I continue to find my way back to the Divine presence everyday. Understanding the mystery of my own soul is a life-long journey that all began with re-learning the language of Spirit.
Through these years of learning and experience, I have come to understand intuition as a rich, deep, and vibrant type of sensing—not limited to clairvoyance (6th chakra). Each person has access to their intuition in a unique and multiverse way. Intuition is the language of spirit; how we communicate with the Divine, a doorway through which we can know ourselves as embodied spirits in the physical world.
More than ever before, we need our intuitive ways of knowing and understanding to recognize and discern the truth. We are inundated with a sea of information and misinformation, drowning out the quiet inner voice of Divinity. My spiritual guidance is moving me to teach in support of those who want to know themselves and have access to their inner wisdom. Now is the time to support others to bring their wisdom and Divine Light forward in their work and life.
I have condensed years of learning and experience into the program “Intuition: It’s Your Birthright!” Learn more here.
I also host a no-charge, open community mediation once a month. It aims to support the greater community in developing a foundation of inner peace. Learn more here.
As I got a little older, I lost touch with my intuition. I remember feeling deeply frustrated as an energy wall seemed to be forming between me and the Divine light. This wall appeared in my consciousness around the time I was in first grade. It was a thick stone wall that I could, at first, climb over and see the light… until one day, I couldn’t. The stone wall had gotten too massive and no matter what I did, I couldn’t access the light beyond the structure. I began to feel fearful and small.
With hindsight, I understand the wall represented mostly cultural conditioning. My education from school and church was not oriented towards intuition, quite the opposite. My natural ways of being were suppressed and compressed into what was expected of me, what was deemed good and proper, and concrete. My parents and society wanted me to get awards for good conduct and high grades. I began the spiral of losing contact with myself for outer acknowledgement and validation. The outside mattered more than what was inside me—and I forgot how to speak with Spirit.
In my mid-20’s, I was unable to hold a job for long, nor have a relationship that lasted more than 3 months. I was often in financial survival—I moved 6 times in 5 years before I was 30yrs old. I was miserable and didn’t know how to create a meaningful life. I was in a morass of negative energy and had no idea of where I was going or even what harm I was doing to myself and others. I just fell into one situation or another, flailing and struggling to stay afloat.
Through the gift of random events, opportunities to wake up were presenting themselves. While working in Nevada, I met a mystic who helped me understand the path of self-destruction I was on. She told me I had lost my connection to spiritual guidance. Her words scared me because I saw how far off my path I had gotten. Just days after that reading, my mother called me out of the blue and announced she was coming to get me. Thirty days later, I was living at home with my whole family. In the regularity of a secure home life, I began to heal and started having “lesson” dreams. These dreams opened my perception of reality and I started reading metaphysical books again.
A year later, after settling down in San Francisco, I got my second reading—I was again told I was not listening to my inner guidance. Then a work friend invited me to a couple of lectures from a psychic teacher and author, Betty Bethards. I was getting regular bodywork from Anodea Judith, who, at that time, was supporting herself doing massage while she wrote her book, Wheels of Life. Other events and people showed up with messages and teachings in subtle ways. All these gifted people nudged me gently towards my spiritual path.
More than one suggested I might be interested in intuitive development. One day, another friend mentioned she had visited a psychic school and gotten a clairvoyant reading. I was intrigued and signed up for a reading too. It was a great experience and I wanted more. Everything inside me said YES and I enrolled in their training program. What I didn’t realize was that this was just the first step in a long and deepening path that continues to this day.
Looking back, I see now that my intuition was like having a tiger in my backyard—untamed and biting me until I got some training on how to harness it. As one of my teachers, David Elliott, often says, “It uses you until you learn to use it.”
Within a year of just beginning to learn some intuitive skills, I started my own business. My income doubled in the first year, then doubled again the 2nd and 3rd. Over these years, I found a life-partner, got married, and went on to get an MA in Adult Education. I bought a home and had a successful career as an Instructional Designer for corporate training. All the while, I was relearning my ability to communicate with spirit. Eventually, I became a teacher at the psychic school. I continued to study and learn, always longing for more.
To name a few, I learned Theta Healing with Vianna Stibel, studied Transformative Psychology at John F. Kennedy University (no degree), learned Hands-on-Healing at Aesclepion Healing Center and now study with the Ridhwan School of Spiritual Development (Diamond Approach) in Berkeley, California. I also learned how to channel spirits (trans-medium training), how to welcome new beings into the physical world (spiritual doula), and how to know myself as a complex energy system embodied in this physical world.
In my late 40’s, I went through a major course correction and changed careers entirely. I was restless and unfulfilled, despite all my metaphysical studies. In my search for work that had more meaning, I found naturopathic medicine. I enrolled at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and earned my doctorate. I currently hold a Naturopathic Doctor medical license in California. Four-plus years of medical school and the life changes that precipitated this new journey eventually brought a completely transformed life.
As an Elder, I understand that this form I call “me” is constantly in flow, in motion, and ever-changing. I continue to find my way back to the Divine presence everyday. Understanding the mystery of my own soul is a life-long journey that all began with re-learning the language of Spirit.
Through these years of learning and experience, I have come to understand intuition as a rich, deep, and vibrant type of sensing—not limited to clairvoyance (6th chakra). Each person has access to their intuition in a unique and multiverse way. Intuition is the language of spirit; how we communicate with the Divine, a doorway through which we can know ourselves as embodied spirits in the physical world.
More than ever before, we need our intuitive ways of knowing and understanding to recognize and discern the truth. We are inundated with a sea of information and misinformation, drowning out the quiet inner voice of Divinity. My spiritual guidance is moving me to teach in support of those who want to know themselves and have access to their inner wisdom. Now is the time to support others to bring their wisdom and Divine Light forward in their work and life.
I have condensed years of learning and experience into the program “Intuition: It’s Your Birthright!” Learn more here.
I also host a no-charge, open community mediation once a month. It aims to support the greater community in developing a foundation of inner peace. Learn more here.